Price includes shipping to Metro areas
Shipping to remote or rural areas is + $200
All Firepaw Treadmills are dog-specific, designed for the way a dog learns, thinks, and moves.
Our treadmills are exclusively mechanical. Your dog is not forced to run, it can stop anytime if it doesn’t want to run or there is a trauma. This is impossible with popular generic electric treadmills for dogs. In addition, the dog can achieve its maximum in speed, stamina and fulfill its full physical potential, all controlled by itself. Firepaw Treadmills last longer than electric ones and can be used anytime, anywhere.
Remarkably effective for conditioning and rehabilitation
Firepaw Dog Treadmills are an effective alternative for conditioning and rehabilitation of dogs for owners facing challenges like bad weather, crowded parks or physical limitations. Firepaw Treadmills are extremely useful for breeders, dog trainers, vet clinics, dog hotels, police dogs, military dogs and much more.
Top selling model. Firepaw Standard Dog Treadmill is considered to offer the best value for money in premium class manual dog treadmills. Widely used from professionals and amateurs because of its wide workout options and quality workmanship. The most commonly used dog treadmill in treadmill races around Europe, set as a standard for this discipline.
Firepaw’s custom main aluminum wheels, combined with fast roller wheels generates great inertia and provides your dog with the possibility for intensive sprint sessions, reaching its maximum speed or long stamina workouts. Firepaw Standard Dog Treadmill is a great tool for training all dog types for endurance, muscle gain, weight loss or just providing your dog with basic physical conditioning.
Welded with solid steel and fully handcrafted in our workshop with high quality materials and attention to every detail. 18 months warranty.
- Shock absorbing system to prevent joins
- 8-10 free spins by hand power push.
- Mobility wheels and handles for easy moving by one person
- Firepaw designed aluminum main wheels
- Plastic sides to view workouts
- Detachable sides for easier transportation and storage
- Adjustable dog fixing bar.
Adjustable front legs to simulate slope (3 levels) -(+$60 )
Disc break–Used for instant stop of the treadmill, useful tool to measure exact distance and time especially for treadmill races, activated with a handle. (+$255)
Slat lock - locks slats in place to use mill as skinner box or position training (+$70)
Poly slats - reduced noise and added shock absorption (+320)
Silicone Upgraded bearings (+$350 )
As each mill is custom made to order in Europe , please allow min of 6-8 weeks for arrival
NB - Please note prices does not include gst, duties , customs fees or any fees collected by the shipping company or shipping agents